how much you can afford when you are buying a house. You provide the lender with certain financial information, they perform a credit check, and then come back with an offer. That offer will include the maximum loan that they will give you and the interest rate that they will charge.
Just because you have been pre-approved for a certain amount does not mean that you are guaranteed to get the final approval from the lender. If you credit or financial circumstances change significantly before you close on your new home, the lender could withdraw their offer.
Therefore, once you have a mortgage pre-approval, you should avoid major financial changes. This include changing jobs or doing anything that could significantly affect your credit such as getting another large loan.
The best way to get a mortgage pre-approval is to work with a licensed mortgage broker. Your broker can compare the rates and terms of different lenders to help you get the mortgage that makes the most sense for you. If you are ready to get a mortgage pre-approval, contact Akal Mortgages today to speak to one of our brokers.