AKAL Mortgages

What You Should Know About Getting a Small Business Loan

Starting a company requires vision and dedication but it also requires money. Even companies that have been in business for awhile often require an infusion of cash in order to expand or to get them through a difficult time.

If you are considering getting a small business loan, it can be hard to know where to start. Because the truth is, there are different types of small business loans, different lenders, and different terms depending on what you apply for.

Generally speaking though, when you are granted a small business loan, the lender will give you a lump sum of money and you will have to pay that money back with interest over an agreed upon term. Conventional loans are typically larger loans that have lower interest rates and are paid back over a longer period of time. Short-term loans tend to be for smaller amounts and have higher interest rates, but you pay them back much more quickly.

Regardless of the type of small business loan that you get, there are a few things that you should be aware of:

  • All loans will require some kind of documentation from you (earnings statements, credit reports, etc.) but depending on the type of loan you want and the lender you are applying to, different documents may be required.
  • Some loans are harder to get, but these loans generally have lower interest rates and better terms, so it can be worth the extra effort.
  • Factors which will determine the type of loan that you are eligible for include things like business credit score, how long you have been in business, available collateral, etc.
  • Just because you were rejected for a small business loan by one lender, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get a loan. You may need to examine why you were rejected and what other lenders are available.
  • Generally speaking, alternative lenders are more flexible in their offerings than traditional banks since smaller lenders can look at the bigger picture.

Getting a small business loan isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but if you have a passion for your company or start-up, then it can be well worth it. At Akal Mortgages, we can help you get the loan you need for your small business. Call us today to learn more.

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