AKAL Mortgages

Why you should come to us for your small business loan in Mississauga

Small businesses in Mississauga rely on a steady income stream to ensure they can pay their expenses and invest in expansion. Unfortunately, that income does not always come in at the exact time that it is needed. In these circumstances, a small business loan can be vital for providing necessary funds and helping a small business stay afloat.

If you are a small business owner in Mississauga, you may be accustomed to going to your bank when you need a loan – or perhaps you have even been turned down for a small business loan. But in this article, we are going to share with you some of the reasons why you should consider coming to Akal Mortgages instead when you need a loan – and yes, we do offer small business loans in Mississauga!

Why come to us? Here are some of the top reasons:

  1. Low interest rates – At Akal Mortgages, we work with dozens of different lenders. That means we can help you get the best interest rate that you can qualify for – sometimes even better than those offered by your bank.
  2. Access to different types of lenders – whether you are looking for business financing or a commercial mortgage, we have access to the type of lender that is right for you.
  3. Personalized service – As a small business owner, you may need many different loans throughout your career. At Akal Mortgages, we take a personal interest in our clients, and you can be assured of friendly and personalized service every time.
  4. Convenience – Because of our expertise in loans, and because of our personalized service, working with us is also very convenient. Oftentimes, you’ll be able to get pre-approved for your small business loan online or on the telephone. We’ll also let you know exactly what documents you’ll need so that you won’t have to waste time with a lot of follow up appointments.
  5. Better chance of approval – let’s face it, if you have a struggling business, there is also a good chance that you don’t have the best credit rating. But because we have access to many different types of lenders – including alternative lenders – there is a better chance that you can get a small business loan approval with us than you can at your bank.

If you are looking for a small business loan in Mississauga, you owe it to yourself to find out what the team at Akal Mortgages can do for you.

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